If your business has not started to leverage video marketing services you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Video content is a regular part of search engine results pages (SERP's) and a tremendous way to get your business in front of more prospects.
Videos for the internet and websites are not necessarily expensive. We have a strategic partnership with a very accomplished production studio that can create high-end videos, complete with model/spokespeople and script writing. For other customers our Level I video production is a very affordable way to create web quality videos.
The Level I video is done on-site with a usual piece being 1-2 minutes long. Eliminating the cost of models, editing and production crews means that in about two hours you can have four to five good videos for about $600. Our Premium video services have costs that can range from $2,500 to $28,000 depending upon the costs for production crews, models, scripting, lighting, travel, editing, etc. Obviously a Premium video requires much more planning however the end result is a TV quality video.
Video marketing services are best used to introduce an interesting venue, retail store or professional services including attorney videos, dental videos and medical videos. Other uses are client testimonial videos, demo or training videos, and general promotional videos.
Video marketing services can provide your business with powerful, personalized content that can be displayed on your website, uploaded to viral channels like YouTube, or reproduced onto DVD's for use as mailers.
Contact us for more information on our video marketing services including video production, video marketing and integration of videos on a website.
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