How To Use Rich Snippets
Published on by: James H. Hobson
The interest in utilizing Rich Snippets is definitely on the rise. A large percentage of web designers and developers have no idea this exists, much less on how to add Rich Snippets to a website. In fact, a vast number of the smaller internet marketing companies do not understand the value of rich snippets, or how to implement this valuable tool for their clients benefit. We believe that all internet marketing companies should be up to speed on this and using it whenever possible.
The bright and beautiful Selena Narayanasamy has created a great visual guide on using Rich Snippets. We think this has a lot of value for people that provide or need professional internet marketing. We are posting this without a formal endorsement of the information as a whole but definitely feel it is worth sharing.
Visual Guide to Rich Snippets on SEOmoz created by BlueGlass Interactive.