Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Google Business Photos

Google Business Photos & A List Of Google Trusted Photographers

Published on by: James H. Hobson

Google Business Photos is a new feature whereby small business owners can hire "Trusted Photographers" to take high quality photos of their business to spruce up their Google Places business profile and page. Although still photos can be used, the ultimate opportunity is for the small business owner to have the photographer create a virtual panoramic view of their business. This is especially valuable to a business where atmosphere and visual presentations make a difference. A good example is the Street View Gallery which let's Google users get a good idea of your business environment.

As with most Google roll-outs, the Google Business Photos feature with the work of Trusted Photographers was available in only a limted number of markets. Now this opportunity has been greatly expanded. Our Atlanta internet marketing company has teamed up with a local Trusted Photographer to offer our local clients the best level of service for Google Business Photos.

Business owners can certainly hire any photographer to provide images for Google Business Photos however the relationship between Google and the Trusted Photographer offers some advantages in terms of the photographer having proper equipment, and knowing the exact output specifications for the deliverables to meet Google standards. It is worth mentioning thta hiring a Trusted Photographer has some strings attached. Notably that Google reserves the rights to your pictures and you give Google implied consent to use your photos in other ways.

How Google Business Photos Works

As a business owner you can hire your own photographer or hire a Trusted Photographer. In either case, you make all arrangements with the chosen photographer and move on to complete the photo shoot. The still photos, or composite panoramic view, can then be prepared and uploaded to your Google Places and/or Google+ business page. In less than a week, your new photos can be online and working to promote your business.

Again, because of some of the special requirements, we do recommend hiring a Trusted Photographer for optimal assurance that the work will be properly done.

List of Google Trusted Photographers

To help you get started in the right direction, you may be interested in viewing this List of Google Trusted Photographers. Make a few calls and learn more about their services and rates for Google Business Photos.

1 comment:

  1. I am a Google Trusted Photographer in the UK and would like to say that here in UK panorama photos can only be taken by a Google Trusted Photographer. They are the only ones that can upload to Google servers. Not sure about US but would expect it to be the same.



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